For Motherhood and for Market: Commercial Surrogacy in India

Motherhood market and commercial surrogacy in India, book cover of New Cannibal Markets

Sarojini Nadimpally | New Cannibal Markets Globalization and Commodification of the Human Body | 2015 | Publised by Collège d’études mondiales | Edited by Jean-Daniel Rainhorn, Samira El Boudamoussi

The book includes the contributions made during the international conference on the globalised development of the commodification of the human body for medical purposes in Geneva on 6-7 February 2014, based on widespread increase in social inequality in societies and between countries. This is the first book to be published on such a theme .

The seven chapters correspond to the seven roundtables of the symposium. The book is published in English. A French version will be published later .

Edition First edition
English language
Editor Publishing House of Human Sciences , Paris
Format Paperback
Nb of pages 432 p.
ISBN- 10 2-7351-1998 -X
ISBN- 13 978-2-7351-1998-1
GTIN13 ( EAN13 ) 9782735119981

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